I was born in 1961 in the small town on Volga river - Zhigulevsk, Kuibyshev region. After high school, I entered the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots and graduated in 1982. I served as a pilot of naval aviation in the Pacific Fleet as a member of long-distance military campaigns. After being laid off in 1989, I've started working in civil aviation.

From childhood it was clear to me that writing texts is my vocation. Since 2000, I have been doing this professionally. The first book was published in 2002. Since then, the Moscow publishing house EKSMO has published several dozen stories and novels in various series. I worked in collaboration with the writers Alexander Tamonikov and Nikolai Prokudin.
I love experimenting with different styles and techniques, adding different elements to each of my works. In addition to stories and novels, three dozen short stories have been written. Some of them were published in Russian-language collections and magazines in Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and the USA.
They call me a courageous innovator, and I'm not afraid to take on unfamiliar projects, because they allow me to write an original work. The most famous projects were novelizations, written based on movie scripts: "Time of the First", "Icebreaker", "Lev Yashin", "Pilot Devyatayev". And also the series “Alarming Spring of 1945”, published for the last three years, is dedicated to the work of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department after the end of the Great Patriotic War.
Laureate of the National Prize "The Golden Pen of Russia" (2021) in the Prose nomination for the novel "On the Other Side of the Law".
Member of the Writers 'Union of North America (SPSA) and the Russian Writers' Union (RSP).
Since 2018 I have been living in Bulgaria
If you are interested in my work, you can read in more detail on the link below or contact me .

Золотое перо Руси
Россия, Москва
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США, Лос-Анжелес
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"

8 & HalFilm Awards
Италия, Рим
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"

Медаль им.
"Александра Фадеева"
Россия, Москва
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8 & HalFilm Awards
Италия, Рим
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"

New York Screenwriting awards
США, Нью-Йорк
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"

Hollywood Gold Award
США, Голивуд
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"

Hollywood on the Tiber
Италия, Рим
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"

США, Лос-Анжелес
Лауреат в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"
США, Лос-Анжелес
Полу-финалист в номинации
"Лучший короткометражный сценарий"
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