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Copies sold: 264000.

In 2009, the novel was included in the collection of the best literary works about the war “I am a Russian soldier”.

Fighters of the special forces detachment of the Airborne Forces "Storm" are the pride of the Russian army. And their commander, Lieutenant Colonel Izvolsky, is generally a pro from God. Only this time, Izvolsky goes on another business trip to Chechnya without his guys who have been tested in battles more than once. He is entrusted with a new detachment, with which he goes on a combat mission. At first, the operation unfolds successfully - all targets are destroyed. And then ... And then the "Czechs" receive information about the movements of the lieutenant colonel's group and set up an ambush, from which only Izvolsky and the young scout Arina got out alive. Not much, considering that the operation cannot be canceled. And quite a lot, considering the obsession of these two ...



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